
Here is some poetry I’ve written:

My Mother’s Womb 9/30/16

As the dark comes on 6/10/16

Flight 6/10/16

Moss Tree 6/10/16

Sweet Nectar of Life 6/10/16

Vulnerable Bones 6/9/16

Up on a hill 6/9/16

A Beautiful Gift 6/8/16

The eyes of another 6/8/16

The Wise Pig 6/3/16

River knows 5/14/16

These Mountains 5/13/16

Podcast Tears 5/12/16

a spring day 5/7/16

Let it be me 4/19/16

On Grief 4/5/16

Open 4/5/16

Mosquito Thoughts 3/31/16

An Ode to My Daddy 3/30/16

The River 3/16/16

To Feel 3/13/16

To sit in the trenches 3/11/16

Across the way 3/10/16

Honey 3/8/16

To be awake 3/7/16

gratitude 3/6/16

Remember 3/6/16

On Wind 3/6/16

Morning 3/5/16

Listen 3/4/16

A Word 3/3/16

On Modesty 3/3/16

Wisdom 3/2/16

Blessed Life 3/2/16

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