The land

The land is alive this morning;
a full night of rain and the brisk 
morning wind left a frozen blanket
lingering between the form and the formless.

Bluebird perches on Juniper, her sweet
dawn shrill waking the buzzing bees
and greeting the much welcomed
golden and pink rays of Sun's first grace.

With my eyes closed, 
I feel the world around me, 
I feel my body's terminus as the 
breeze brushes my finger tips.

I smell Manzanita thawing 
as day time's warmth 
shakes her free of 
night time's icy shawl.

Sitting here, grounded 
on this fallen, silvered tree,
I am connected, I am of this place, 
I dwell amid my kin. 

Tender Life

Tender life herself
surrenders to the force
of progress, milked
for her truest essence, 
displayed with brutal honesty.

She takes up too much space,
and gives herself freely. 
She's been killed, taken.

Flowers blossom in her wounds
her flesh, devoid of pulse,
becomes the antidote.
Her blood, now stagnant and cold,
fertilizes that which took her.

The ultimate offering of her 
carnal body nourishes my soul.

I stand wittness, 
confused and in awe.

My Mother’s Womb

The black tailed hare
hops across my vision.
I begin to tune into
the movings of the desert
the seemingly barren land
becomes alive with 
the whistling wind,
the scurrying mice,
the resilient flora
tenaciously rooted in 
the rocky soil who is
crawling with life itself.

On the rocky ridge line
a boulder carved by
the whistling wind,
eons of pebble pounding gusts
opened her womb and
birthed this place to die,
to fully awaken.

This tender rock
cradled my body and
as I crawled into 
my mother's womb
it all became alive. 

My new drum


makin my lil drum, elk hide birch hoop


I recently had the privilege of participating in a drum making workshop with Yolanda Martinez, an amazing woman and master drum maker (visit her website).  She shared her knowledge, stories, and incredible energy as we worked our drums into form. A beautiful experience and, wow, do these drums have their own little life and voice.  The vibrations and song they emit are truly beautiful.



beautiful face


four directions handle




Glory in the Sun

As the dark comes on

As the dark comes on
the pinks, purples, 
and such of dusk
slowly take rest
leaving all who witness
in wonder of what
the next act of this 
marvelous play has in store.

The dark cape of night
slowly ascends above.
Trillions of shimmering jewels
dance in full glory
occasionally leaping 
straight across the stage.

More dancers appear 
with every gaze.
The deep complexities 
of their movement,
subtler than before,
suddenly erupt into 
the whole shebang.
The opaque streak of 
the Milky Way appears,
the boldly painted planets,
mystery and wonder manifested.
What a marvelous play, indeed,
that holds me into my slumber.

Moss Tree

The moss covered tree
holds me with kindness.
Her long and wandering 
arms reach out, 
leaves thirsty for sun,
to turn light into sweetness.
She creates a wonderful oasis
for my rosy cheeks to rest.
Vultures are on the hunt above,
weaving through my 
branch cluttered sight
looking for the lone mouse.
Oosnea drapes elegantly,
swaying with the wind
branch’s fingertips bob in unison.
She dances with this
precious life.